I am still working on CDDB routines, but I already finished CDDBP support (hopefully), still lacking HTTP support. I hope to finish the rest of it in a week, so I could send the admins of CDDB a pre-beta version to get an ok for public release. Meanwhile I will work on the rest of the new features, that also should be finished until end of september, that will be a release date of the next version. Of course it could be a week more or less… If I know an exact date, I will publish it here.
I need more informations on Offset Sample feature, so please help me to improve it. If you own a Plextor drive (12x or more) then test all CDs you own in the list on the Technology page. Get the sample offset of each CD (should(!) be 0 on all Plextors) and send it to me together with the code written on the inner ring on the back of the CD (e.g. 532 618-2 02) and the title of the CD. Thanks…