Which flags can I use for the filename creation scheme?

From EAC version 1.0 beta 2 on, you can use the following placeholders in the filename settings on how filenames for tracks are being created by EAC:

%title% – Track title
%artist% – Track artist
%composer% – Track composer
%tracknr1% – Track number (at least 1 digit)
%tracknr2% – Track number (at least 2 digits)
%tracknr3% – Track number (at least 3 digits)
%lengthmin% – Track duration (minutes part)
%lengthsec% – Track duration (seconds part)
%year% – Release year
%albumtitle% – CD title
%albumartist% – CD artist
%albumcomposer% – CD composer
%albuminterpret% – CD performer
%comment% – CD comment
%totalcds% – Number of CDs in a set
%cdnumber% – Number of the CD within a set
%numtracks% – Total number of tracks on the CD
%genre% – ID3 music type
%cddbid% – freedb ID
%cddbtype% – freedb music type

%% – The ‘%’ character

As an example, you could use

(%tracknr2%) %title% – %artist%

which would result in such a filename (as an example)

(02) Nothing else matters – Metallica